Tabah‘s Futures Initiative Releases a Landmark Report on the Attitudes of Arab Muslim Millennials on Religion and Religious Leadership
The Futures Initiative at Tabah Foundation will be releasing the results for a landmark survey on how Arab millennials are thinking about their faith in the midst of the immense changes and developments in the region and the world.
Tabah’s Futures Initiative commissioned Zogby Research Services, Washington, USA, to conduct face-to-face interviews with five thousand Muslims between the ages of 15-34 in eight Arab countries: Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Palestine. The key themes addressed by the survey include religious identity, religion in the public sphere, millennial understandings of faith and devotion, religion and contemporary relevance, scholarship and learning, and ideological and thought trends that impact religious life.
The results will be released in Abu Dhabi on January 12, 2016 and will be available for download at mmgsurvey.tabahfoundation.org.
The Futures Initiative at Tabah Foundation conducts research and analysis on emerging trends in the modern world, with an eye toward better understanding how they impact Muslim communities in the present and future.
For more information, please contact staff at the Futures Initiative: futuresinitiative[at]tabahfoundation.org